Web3.0 and Blockchain: How Are They Interlinked?

Updated on Jun 5th, 2023
14 Mins Read
Web3.0 and Blockchain: How Are They Interlinked?

Web3.0, also known as the decentralized internet or the semantic web, is the next generation of the internet that aims to provide a more intelligent, open, and decentralized ecosystem. Blockchain, a decentralized ledger technology, is one of the core components that is driving the development of Web3.0. In this article, we will explore the interlink between Web3.0 and blockchain and how they complement each other in creating a more secure, transparent, and user-centric internet.

Introduction to Web3.0

The Web 3.0 technology is the upgraded version of Web 2.0 that will allow applications and websites to process information and data in a much more advanced method when compared to the current Web 2.0 framework. The Web 3.0 framework uses advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to process data, improving efficiency and allowing the applications to provide better results even in complex situations.

But better efficiency and an improvement in processing power is not the reason why Web 3.0 is gaining popularity all over the world. The meteoric rise of the Web 3.0 framework lies in its decentralized principle that allows users to share information over Web 3.0 without compromising their identity or personal data. Centralization and data theft have been one of the greatest concerns with the current Web 2.0 framework, and the upcoming Web 3.0 might be the solution.

Web1.0 to Web3.0: The Evolution of the Internet

To better understand the concept of Web3.0, it is essential to look back at the evolution of the internet. The internet has gone through several phases of development, each with its own set of characteristics and limitations:

1. Web1.0 (The Static Web):

The first generation of the internet, Web1.0, was primarily a collection of static web pages with limited interactivity. Users could access information but had little opportunity to contribute or interact with the content.

2. Web2.0 (The Social Web):

The second generation of the internet, Web2.0, introduced dynamic web pages, user-generated content, and social networking. It enabled users to interact with content, create and share their own, and connect with others. However, Web2.0 is largely centralized, with a few major platforms dominating the landscape and controlling user data.

3. Web3.0 (The Decentralized Web):

The third generation of the internet, Web3.0, aims to create a more decentralized, secure, and intelligent web. It focuses on user ownership of data, trustless protocols, and the integration of various technologies, including blockchain, dApps, AI, and IoT.

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Why Does The World Need Web 3.0 ?

The world needs Web 3.0 because Web 2.0, the current internet framework, might not be suitable for the future. Today, the Internet is not just a platform for sharing information; it offers a lot more than that and has widespread applications in our day-to-day lives. A majority of applications around us depend on the Internet to function properly. However, the current Web 2.0 architecture lacks in certain areas, especially when performing tasks with heavy computing.

Here are some major advantages of the Blockchain and Web 3.0 framework over the existing Web 2.0 internet architecture.

1. Higher Control

A major flaw with the current Web 2.0 internet architecture is that it doesn't offer a lot of privacy to its users. It's because the user data is stored centrally on remote servers, and the managing authority has complete control over this data. It's why big corporations like Google, Facebook, and Amazon have often been under the radar for using user data without the user's discretion.

However, data theft won't be an issue with Web 3.0 because it will store users' data decentralized across different computers on the peer-to-peer network. Resultantly, the entire user data cannot be accessed by a single authority, so they cannot use a user's data without their permission.

2. Highly Interactive User Interface

The current Web 2.0 internet architecture is quite interactive, as websites these days offer images, videos, GIFs, forms, and other interactive features on the websites. The user interface of Web3.0 not only has the potential to be much more interactive by adding more graphics, animations, and visuals.

3. New Career Opportunities For Content Creators

A major drawback for content creators on the Web 2.0 platform is that getting recognition for their work is often difficult. Sometimes, content creators might not get the right value for their work. However, Web 3.0 development can change it forever as Web 3.0 has a tokenization feature that helps create a creator economy where content creators can get the appropriate recognition and the right value for their work.

4. Enhanced Security and Privacy

One of the major reasons why the future needs Web 3.0 is because it's highly secure. A major reason for the same is the decentralized property of Web 3.0 and Blockchain development that spreads the data across different devices instead of storing it on one server. Storing data in parts across different computers makes it difficult for hackers to access your data, which might reduce the chances of data theft and data piracy.

Introduction To Blockchain

In this article, we have mentioned Blockchain a lot of times. But what exactly is Blockchain, and why is Blockchain development so important? Let's have a look at Blockchain and its important Blockchain features.

Blockchain is a way of storing records and data on a public digital ledger across different blocks that are then connected. The Blockchain network stores record in a decentralized and distributed manner. It simply means that instead of storing the data on a single server, the Blockchain network breaks down the records into smaller parts and distributes them across the peer-to-peer network.

The Blockchain network is built on three pillars:

1. Distributed Ledger:

A blockchain is a distributed ledger, which means that the data is stored across a network of computers (nodes) rather than in a centralized location. This eliminates the need for a central authority and reduces the risk of data manipulation or failure.

2. Cryptography:

Blockchain uses cryptographic techniques, such as hashing and digital signatures, to ensure the security and integrity of the data. Each block in the chain contains a unique hash that is derived from the data in the block and the hash of the previous block. This makes it nearly impossible to alter the data without changing the entire chain, ensuring the immutability of the blockchain.

3. Consensus Algorithms:

To maintain the integrity of the network, blockchain networks use consensus algorithms, such as Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS), to agree on the validity of transactions and the addition of new blocks to the chain. These algorithms help prevent malicious activity and ensure that the network remains secure and decentralized.

Web 3.0 and Blockchain: What's the Connection?

Now that we have a solid understanding of Web 3.0 and Blockchain technology, it's time to establish a connection between them. Blockchain is the basic building block of the Web 3.0 network, and the next generation of the Internet would not exist if not for Blockchain development. Here are some of the ways in which they are interlinked:

1. Decentralization

One of the main objectives of Web3.0 is to create a decentralized internet where no single entity has control over the data and services. Blockchain's decentralized nature aligns perfectly with this goal, as it allows data to be stored and processed across a network of computers without relying on a central authority.

2. Security and Trust

Blockchain's secure and tamper-proof nature makes it an ideal technology for building trustless systems in Web3.0. By using cryptographic techniques, blockchain ensures that data is secure and cannot be altered without the consensus of the network. This eliminates the need for trust in third parties, as the technology itself guarantees the integrity of the data.

3. Data Ownership and Privacy

In the current internet ecosystem, users often have little control over their data, as it is stored and managed by centralized platforms. Web3.0 aims to give users ownership and control over their data. Blockchain enables this by allowing users to store their data on decentralized networks, making it accessible only to those who have the required permissions. This ensures data privacy and empowers users to have control over their digital assets.

4. Smart Contracts and dApps

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They run on blockchain networks, ensuring that the contract's terms are automatically enforced without the need for intermediaries. Decentralized applications (dApps) are built on top of blockchain networks and leverage smart contracts to provide decentralized services. Both smart contracts and dApps are key components of Web3.0, enabling a new generation of decentralized services and applications.

5. Tokenization and Digital Assets

Web3.0 envisions an ecosystem where digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, tokens, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), play a significant role. Blockchain technology enables the creation, management, and exchange of these digital assets in a secure and transparent manner, paving the way for new economic models and opportunities.

To sum things up, the entire Web 3.0 industry internet architecture deploys blockchain technology and protocols.

Real-World Applications of Web3.0 and Blockchain

With Blockchain development forming the core of its operations, Web 3.0 has the following major applications.

  1. NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens

  2. Decentralized Finance or DeFi

  3. Cryptocurrency

  4. Decentralized Applications or dApps

  5. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

With that being said, a lot of websites and applications have already started using Web 3.0 as their primary internet architecture. Some examples of websites and applications making use of Web 3.0 are:

1. Brave Browser

Brave browser is one of the most popular and well known applications that makes use of the Web 3.0 internet architecture. The Brave internet browser provides us with a perfect sneak peek into what accessing the internet with Web 3.0 would be like.

For example, most of the internet users today use either Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari for accessing the internet. Although these web browsers provide us with a great UI experience, and they are fast and reliable, there are some major concerns with privacy, and advertisements.

However, the Brave browser aims at providing its users with a serene internet experience by offering features like ad blocks, incognito browsing, and more. Brave’s focus on user privacy is one of the major reasons why it’s emerging as one of the most popular web browsers.

2. Braintrust

Braintrust is another major website that uses Web 3.0, and it’s the perfect example of how Web 3.0 has the power to revolutionize things we are used to seeing in our day to day lives. Braintrust is a job search portal that’s built on the Web 3.0 internet architecture, and it’s the first decentralized talent network in the world.

The Braintrust platform is completely owned by a token governance community. The community is one of the major reasons that allows Braintrust to attract and retain a better pool of talent.

3. Steemit

For people who love using Reddit, Steemit aims to be their Web 3.0 alternative. Steemit is a decentralized social networking application on which people can share their queries and answers without compromising on their identity.


Change is the only constant, and the saying is true, especially regarding technology. Just as our smartphones, computers, and IoT devices have evolved in the past decade, it's time to change how we perceive and access the Internet, and Web 3.0 is the change. Although Web 3.0 is still under development, it has shown much potential in recent years, which is why the technical communities have high hopes for Web 3.0 in the future.


1. Is Web 3.0 the future of the Internet?

Many people consider Web3.0 development to be the future of the Internet primarily because it is a decentralized Internet architecture that places heavy emphasis on the security and privacy of its users and their data.

2. Why is Web 3.0 important?

Web 3.0 is important because its current web version of Web 2.0 has certain drawbacks, especially regarding privacy and performance. Web 3.0 development is important because it is a decentralized internet architecture that heavily emphasizes the security and privacy of its users and their data.

3. Is Web 3.0 Decentralized?

Web 3.0 is a decentralized form of internet architecture because there's no owner of services in the Web 3.0 space. No authority controls the resources and is thus decentralized.

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